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Guess The President Quiz Answers
Which president had a daughter that was banned from the White House?

Correct Answer Theodore Roosevelt
Which president banished wine and liquor from the White House to please his wife?

Correct Answer Rutherford B. Hayes
Which president was a preacher?

Correct Answer James Garfield
This president gave us interstate freeways. Who was he?

Correct Answer Dwight D Eisenhower
Who was the only president to hold political office after his presidency?

Correct Answer John Quincy Adams
Which president was the first to be plagued by lobbyists?

Correct Answer Ulysses S Grant
Which president was an escaped indentured servant that never went to school?

Correct Answer Andrew Johnson
Which president was the author of the New Deal?

Correct Answer Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was called Doughface because he would not take a strong stance against slavery?

Correct Answer James Buchanan
Who was president when the first electricity was installed in the White House?

Correct Answer Benjamin Harrison
Who was the first president to promote lower taxes and less government?

Correct Answer Calvin Coolidge
Which president before going into office beat Mexican General Santa Anna in battle in Texas?

Correct Answer Zachary Taylor
Which president never lived in Washington DC?

Correct Answer George Washington
Who was the first vice president to become president because the president died?

Correct Answer John Tyler
Which president was known for being so casually cool that he would jog to McDonalds for snacks?

Bill Clinton
Who was president when the Berlin Wall fell?

Correct Answer Georg HW Bush
Who is the only president to be president two times but not in a row?

Correct Answer Grover Cleveland
Which president went through a Birther problem 130 years before Obama?

Correct Answer Chester A Arthur
Which president created the League of Nations?

Correct Answer Woodrow Wilson
Who wrote the first drafts of the Constitution?

Correct Answer James Madison
Which president was miraculously bulletproof?

Correct Answer Andrew Jackson
Which president forgave his assassin?

Correct Answer McKinley
Which president gave us California and Texas?

Correct Answer James K. Polk
Who was involved in the Watergate scandal?

Correct Answer Richard Nixon
Who was the last president to have facial hair in office?

Correct Answer William Taft