lucky wheel halloween edition quiz answers 100% score

Lucky Wheel: Halloween Edition Quiz Answers 100% Score VideoFacts Quiz
Lucky Wheel: Halloween Edition Quiz Answers 100% Score VideoFacts Quiz

Lucky Wheel: Halloween Edition Quiz Answers
 Video Facts Quiz

1. What do these hints point to?

  • Melon
  • Cucumber
  • Pumpkin
  • Apple

Right Answer: Pumpkin

2. What color will you get when you mix our two clues?

  • Purple
  • Orange
  • Black
  • Green

Right Answer: Orange

3. Which creature of the night is hinted at?

  • Werewolf
  • Vampire
  • Bat
  • Frenkenstein

Right Answer: Werewolf

4. Which creature of the night is hinted at?

  • Witches
  • Mummies
  • Werewolves
  • Zombies

Right Answer: Witches

5. Where would you most likely find our next clues?
  • Sunken ships
  • Abandoned warehouses
  • Cemeteries
  • Corn fields

Right Answer: Cemeteries

6. Which sugary delight are we looking for?

  • Toffee Apple
  • Coffee Apple
  • Sugar Apple
  • Belgium Apple

Right Answer: Toffee Apple

7. Can you tell which term we’re looking for?

  • Bieber-mania
  • Lunacy
  • Hysteria
  • Idiocy

Right Answer: Lunacy

8. Who is the author of these two titles?

  • Bram Stoker
  • Mary Shelley
  • Daphne du Maurier
  • Stephen King

Right Answer: Stephen King

9. Who is the author of these two titles?

  • Disguises
  • Superstitions
  • Coincidences
  • Mammals

Right Answer: Superstitions

10. Can you figure out which Halloween creature we’re looking for?

  • Mummy
  • Vampire
  • Zombie
  • Ghost

Right Answer: Vampire

11. What movie are we referring to here?

  • Scream
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • Friday the 13th

Right Answer: Friday the 13th

12. Autumn brings with it a spectacular display of colorful leaves. Which word below is related to our two clues?

  • Willow
  • Spruce
  • Fir
  • Cedar

Right Answer: Willow

13. What are these two clues?

  • Types of bones
  • Types of ghosts
  • Types of monsters
  • Types of spells

Right Answer: Types of bones

14. What are these two clues?

  • Nouns
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs

Right Answer: Adjectives

15. Can you tell which group of fictional characters the hints point to?

  • The Four Wicked Witches
  • The Three Demons
  • The Three WitchesX
  • The Four Wizards

Right Answer: The Three Witches

16. Which creepy companion are we looking for?

  • Quincey Morris
  • Jonathan Harker
  • Renfield
  • John Seward

Right Answer: Renfield

17. What does not fit?

  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Butterfly Squash
  • Kabocha Squash
  • Sweet Dumpling Squash

Right Answer: Butterfly Squash

18. What are the clues referring to?

  • Blood
  • Candles
  • Cotton Candy
  • Glue

Right Answer: Blood

19. Follow the clues to find the correct answer to earn some points!

  • Hamcuchpcui
  • Chlacliwlae
  • Srcyracoke
  • Oghsnetene

Right Answer: Oghsnetene

20. Take a look at our next clue. For which spooky film did this actor win a major award? Type your answer in below!

Right Answer: The Birds

Lucky Wheel: Halloween Edition Quiz Answers

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  1. I got 95%>I dont nknow what have I done wrong.

  2. There is a new version, 10th questions is changed with the two clues contagious and brain, the answer is zombie and the last questioks with "who wrote the story" the answer is Daphne du Maurier you have to type it like that

    1. Thank you for the answer. I finally can get my ticket.

  3. there's a new version. the last question is "which director discovered this actor and gave her a starring role in a spooky film?" Answer: Alfred Hitchcock

  4. There is a new question in this quiz.
    The answer is Type of Monsters. This is the link to question. I hope you read this & update the quiz.


    The answer is Type of Monster. Hopefully you will read this & update it so everyone will know.
