jeopardy quiz answers 100% score video quiz hero quiz

Jeopardy Quiz Answers 100% Score

Jeopardy Quiz Answers 100% Score

Jeopardy Quiz Answers

3%. The category is ‘Logos’ for 800 points:

 Right, Answer   What is Apple?

7%. ‘Details’ for 800:

 Right, Answer   Where is the top?

    10%. The category is ‘Expressions’ for 800 points:

     Right, Answer   What’s a ‘cold shoulder’?

      13%. The category is ‘Islands’ for 800 points:

       Right, Answer   What is Cuba?

        17%. ‘The Sunshine State’ for 800 points:

         Right, Answer   What is Lake Okeechobee?

          20%. Here we go! The category is ‘Details’ for 1200:

           Right, Answer  What is pink?

            23%. ‘Logos’ for 1200:

             Right Answer   Who is Jerry West?

              27%. You’re on a roll! ‘Logos’ for 1600 points: The color of ‘Fed’ in ‘FedEx’.

               Right, Answer  What is purple?

                30%. The category is ‘Logos’ for 800 points:

                 Right, Answer  1200

                  33%. Here’s the clue:

                   Right, Answer  What is ‘blue’?

                    37%. The category is ‘The Sunshine State’ for 1200 points:

                     Right, Answer   What is St. Augustine?

                      40%. ‘Islands’ for 1200: The Galapagos Islands belong to this country.

                       Right, Answer   What is Ecuador?

                        43%. ‘Islands` for 1600: The location of this sunset view.

                         Right, Answer  Where is Greenland?

                          47%. ‘Logos’ for 2000 points:

                           Right, Answer  What is Baskin Robbins?
                          50%. ‘Details’ for 2000 points:
                           Right, Answer  What is $486.52?

                            53%. The category is ‘Islands’! The flag of this island:

                             Right, Answer  What is the Republic of Maldives?

                              57%. ‘Expressions’ for 2000 points:

                               Right, Answer  What is ‘thick as thieves’?

                                60%. ‘Expressions’ once again:

                                 Right, Answer    What is doolally?

                                  63%. ‘The Sunshine State’ for 2000 points! The birthplace of this actress:

                                   Right, Answer  Where is Bascom, Florida?

                                    67%. The category is ‘Islands’ for 2000 points: These birds are native to this island.

                                     Right, Answer  Where is Hawaii?

                                      70%. The category is ‘Logos’! Type your answer below. Remember to use a question!

                                        Right Answer   Who is Philo?

                                        73%. The category is ‘Islands’! The name of this city that appears on a culturally rich island.

                                          Right, Answer   What is Colombo?

                                          77%. The category is ‘The Sunshine State’! The name of this animal.

                                            Right, Answer  What is a manatee?

                                            80%. The category is ‘Islands’! This island, where insects, once believed to be extinct, was rediscovered. You answer: ‘What is _______?’

                                              Right, Answer  What is Ball’s Pyramid?

                                              83%. The category is ‘The Sunshine State’! This person, who was born in Florida! You answer: ‘Who is _______?’

                                                Right Answer  Who is Darrell Hammond?

                                                87%. The category is ‘Logos’! This city, which also appears in the name of the product that is produced there! Make sure to type your answer in the form of a question!

                                                   Right, Answer  What is Bern?

                                                  90%. The category is ‘Details’! The number of differences between these two images:

                                                     Right, Answer  What is 12?

                                                    93%. Category is ‘The Sunshine State’! The number of Floridian cities in this word search:

                                                      Right, Answer  What is 7?

                                                      97%. Final Jeopardy! The category is ‘Odd One Out’. How many points do you want to wager?

                                                       Right Answer  1600

                                                        100%. Final Jeopardy! The letter that is the odd one out.

                                                         Right, Answer  What is ‘C’?

                                                        Jeopardy Quiz Answers

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