quick minehunter quiz all answers 100% score quizdelivery quiz

quick minehunter quiz all answers 100% score quiz delivery quiz

Quick Minehunter Quiz Or Minehunter Game Quiz QuizDelivery Answers | Get 100% Score

Q1.   Answer Is

Q2.The first corner has revealed itself, but you’ll need to get this question right to dodge the next mine: Are all of the squares in the middle of the numbers on the right mines or not?

Answer   They are all mines

Q3.Nice, another section of the board has been cleared. Pass this test to dodge a mine
What kind of game was Minesweeper originally? 

Answer    A computer game

Q4.We’re moving along nicely, but it’s probably a good idea to mark the boxes we definitely know are mines. Which tool would you have to select in order to do this? 

Answer   The flag

Q5.Keep dodging those mines by answering this question correctly: Minesweeper has its origins in mainframe games of the 60s and 70s, but the modern version we know was created by which company in 1990? 

Answer     Microsoft

Q6.Time to get counting! Based on what you see, how many flags could you confidently place on the playing field? 

Answer  12

Q7.We’re clearing the outskirts of this minefield beautifully! To move forward, can you tell us the name of Minesweeper’s earliest ancestor? 

 Answer    RLogic

Q8.As a matter of how the game works now, can you identify how many spaces you can confidently click on by knowing there are NO mines under the squares? 

Answer   50

Q9.You’ve almost finished! Answer this question to progress: Due to certain groups criticizing the inclusion of mines in Minesweeper, Microsoft released a version of the game that replaced them with something else. What were they replaced by? 

Answer    Flowers

Q10.Let’s see if you can dodge the last mine: Imagine starting a new game where you press a corner square that reveals a number 2. Which of these cannot be behind any of the 3 surrounding squares?

Answer   1

Quick Minehunter Quiz Or Minehunter Game Quiz QuizDelivery Answers | Get 100% Score

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