wheel of reward autumn quiz answers 100% score videoquizhero
1. Autumn is in the air, let’s head over to the:
- Apple Orchard
- Table Richard
- Maple Orchard
- Staple Orchard
2. Seeds spread and become new trees.
- Poet Made
- Palm Care
- Pulp Game
- Pine Cone
3. Can you guess what we’re seeing all over the forest floor?
- Acorns and Squirrels
- Aches and Squills
- Acres and Squeaks
- Actors and Squalor
4. In Great Britain, we love a tasty treat called…
- Coffee Apples
- Toffee Apple
- Lychee Apple
- Coffee Angel
5. The hint is in the picture!
- A persimmon coloured rosebush
- A perrsimon colored reindeer
- A perssimon colored roadsign
- A persimmon colored raincoat
6. Can you find the correct examples of this?
- Yew, sycamore, willow, spruce
- Linden, pine, oak, poplar
- Aspen, elm, fir, beech
- Alder, maple, apple, ash
7. This is the name of a movie!
- Blame the Autumn Moon
- Eager the Autumn Love
- Close the Autumn Room
- Under the Autumn Moon
8. These two words are not only names, but they’re also…
- Types of pumpkins
- Types of nuts
- Types of flowers
- Autumn food dishes
9. Can you guess the name of this children’s book by unscrambling the words below?
- We’re uikqc on a ealf mphu
- We’ suckt on a lape llhu
- We’re oenft on a leke unth
- We’re gingo on a lfea hntu
10. Can you fill in the missing letters of this quote by unscrambling the letters below?
- nAtumu sowsh us owh to etl tinghs go
- mnAtuu swsho us owh to etl sockh go
- umnAut tllse us owh to see cvero go
- mnAutu ellst us owh to let ncecha go
11. The title of a song and album from this soulful musician.
- Eric Clapton
- Neil Young
- Joni Mitchell
- Bruce Springsteen
12. ‘In stature, she was tall, somewhat slender, and, in her latter days, even emaciated…`
- Lineil
- Ligeia
- Lileit
- Liseil
- Liseit
- Lileil
13. The words you find here are part of the key ingredients in…
- Gregory Maguire’s ‘Wicked’
- Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’
- Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’
- Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’
14. These are peculiar names for what autumnal thing?
- Corn
- Pumpkins
- Leaves
Apples - Spiders
15. What is the total number of vowels in this line of poetry
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13