wheel of rewaed quiz answers quiz facts 100% score

Wheel Of Reward Quiz Answers Quiz Facts 100% Score

Wheel Of Reward Quiz Answers Quiz Facts 100% Score


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Q 1. Welcome to the Wheel of Reward! You might have played something like this before, or maybe you haven’t! Don’t worry, it’s simple enough!


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Q 2. You will be presented with a board with missing letters. All you have to do is fill in the missing letters by choosing the correct answer!


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Q 3. Let’s start easy folks! Can you fill in the missing letters? Hint: Popular Girl Band.

  1. Spice Girls
  2. Spice Gals
  3. Spuce Gurls
  4. Space Girls
Q 4. Oh, this one can’t be too hard? Which species are we referring to?

  1. Brue While
  2. Brue Whole
  3. Blue Whale
  4. Blue While
Q 5. Who’s this pop star?

  1. Madotta
  2. Madonna
  3. Madolla
  4. Madorra
Q 6. Can you name this Disney film?

  1. The Laon King
  2. The Loon Kong
  3. The Leon Kang
  4. The Lion King
Q 7. What type of dog is this?

  1. Dalmatian
  2. Dolcatian
  3. Delnatian
  4. Dolpatian
Q 8. Which country are we talking about?

  1. New Holland
  2. New Zealand
  3. New Zotland
  4. Now Zanland
Q 9. Do you remember this movie?

  1. Dorky Dancing
  2. Dirty Dancing
  3. Derty Dancing
  4. Dorty Dancing
Q 10. Which instrument are we wanting here?

  1. Eclectic Guizar
  2. Exectric Guipar
  3. Epectric Guilar
  4. Electric Guitar
Q 11. Where would you find pizza and pasta? At an …?

  1. Italian Restaurant
  2. Utalian Ristaurant
  3. Atalean Riptaurant
  4. Italian Rustaurant
Q 12. Which of these options fits the image perfectly?

  1. Tummer Breece
  2. Pummer Breede
  3. Summer Breeze
  4. Lummer Breete
Q 13. You might be too young or maybe too old for this one! What are we talking about?

  1. Singing in the Rain
  2. Staging in the Pain
  3. Singing on the Cain
  4. Slaging on the Tain
Q 14. Have you seen this landmark before?

  1. The Eippel Totter
  2. The Eittel Tower
  3. The Eickel Toner
  4. The Eiffel Tower
Q 15. Remember these famous lyrics? Oh yeah, I tell you something. I think you’ll understand!

  1. I wanna hold your hand
  2. I wanna hold your mand
  3. I wanna join your band
  4. I wanna hold your land
Q 16. Who’s this character?

  1. Peler Pan
  2. Pater Pin
  3. Poter Pon
  4. Peter Pan
Q 17. What is this funny phrase?

  1. As fool is a cucumber
  2. As cool as a cucumber
  3. As tool is a cucumber
  4. As wool is a cucumber
Q 18. You’re going too fast! Identify this phrase!

  1. Halt your Hopses
  2. Hold your Losses
  3. Hold your horses
  4. Halt your horses
Q 19. Who’s this goofy fellow?

  1. Adap Sundler
  2. Adam Sandler
  3. Adas Slopler
  4. Adal Sapller
Q 20. Mmm remember this?

  1. Toffee Apple
  2. Loffy Laple
  3. Coffee Maple
  4. Puffee Epple
Q 21. Who’s this award-winning actress?

  1. Mapyll Streel
  2. Maryll Streer
  3. Muryll Street
  4. Meryll Streep
Q 22. This show was a classic in the 90s!

  1. Roseanne
  2. Rorranne
  3. Roalanne
  4. Rosaenne
Q 23. What a view! Do you know what we’re referring to?

  1. Learning Power of Gisa
  2. Burning Tower of Lisa
  3. Leaning Tower of Pisa
  4. Turning Tower of Risa
Q 24. Which words fit best?

  1. The Bungle Hook
  2. The Jungle Look
  3. The Jungle Book
  4. The Rumble Cook
Q 25. Which book title are we talking about here?

  1. Roby Kick
  2. Boby Pick
  3. Moby Dick
  4. Cody Rick
Q 26. Who’s this person?

  1. Richard Nixon
  2. Lichard Pixor
  3. Pichard Nixon
  4. Nickard Lixot
Q 27. Who are we talking about here?

  1. Justin Timberlake
  2. Pustin Bimbercake
  3. Dustin Wimberdake
  4. Bustin Timberlake
Q 28. Do you know this place?

  1. Pearl Parlor
  2. Bearl Parlor
  3. Yearl Harbor
  4. Pearl Harbor
Q 29. Best enjoyed with a cup of coffee! What are we talking about?

  1. Banana Fake
  2. Lanana Lake
  3. Banana Bake
  4. Banana Cake
Q 30. Who doesn’t want some of this!

  1. Elderberries and Cream
  2. Bunchberries and Dream
  3. Strawberries and Cream
  4. Blackberries and Pream
Q 31. What in the world is this?

  1. Mount Everest
  2. Round Pairest
  3. Bound Fastest
  4. Count Fairest
Q 32. Smells nice!

  1. Peppermint Tea
  2. Lappermint Sea
  3. Cepperwint Bee
  4. Peppermint Pea
Q 33. Can you un-jumble these answers to find the movie star we are talking about?

  1. saCasndra ueHbprn
  2. dryAeu pbuHern
  3. Hllyo Hbueprn
  4. athKerine epbuHrn
Q 34. A book and a film!

  1. Ultrafast at Riffany’s
  2. Breakfast at Tiffany’s
  3. Steadfast at Piffany’s
  4. Superfast at Tiffany’s
Q 35. Can you unjumble these letters?

  1. riaictAd aSe
  2. eaAegn eaS
  3. crtiAc aSe
  4. nticAtla aSe
Q 36. Not just a food, but a title!

  1. Dried Figs and Jam
  2. Fried Eggs and Ham
  3. Sweet Pigs and Ram
  4. Green Eggs and Ham
Q 37. Tricky, tricky. Can you work out the title of this song by un-jumbling the letters?

  1. ousSpicusi ndsMi
  2. aDenogrus nMids
  3. iguusAomb dBins
  4. iouAmsbit dKins
Q 38. Are you a fan of this?

  1. Soap Opera
  2. Boat Opera
  3. Moat Opera
  4. Coat Opera
Q 39. What a classic story!

  1. The Odd Cat and the Ape
  2. The Old Dog and the Bee
  3. The Old Man and the Sea
  4. The Bog Pig and the Pea
Q 40. Which species are we talking about here?

  1. Holden Sion Lamarin
  2. Golden Zion Pamarin
  3. Golden Lion Tamarin
  4. Golden Lion Ramarin



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