fiverr english test answers 2021

Fiverr Skill Test Answers 2020

Fiverr Skill Test Answers 2020

Fiverr U.S. English Basic Skills Test Answers 2020
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 101. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.

My friend said, "I must leave as soon as possible."
My friend said that he must leave as soon as possible.
My friend said that I must leave as soon as possible.
My friend said that he must have left as soon as possible.
My friend said that he left as soon as possible.

102. I _______ my entire childhood in a village in India.

have spent
had spent

103. My headphones are ________ bad shape. I need to invest ________ some new ones.

in, on
in, in
of, for
at, into

104. Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of apostrophes?

In two weeks' time you'll have to begin school again
Its such a beautiful day that Ive decided to take skip work.
The dogs bark was far worse than its bite.
Bristols' harbour is one of the countrys' most beautiful.

105. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct verb and verb-tense usage?

I loved reading detective novels when I was a kid. By the time I was ten, I had read all the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Make sure you lock your room before you will go out.
I don't like being disturbed when I was working.
By this time next year, I have finished my MBA.

106. Which of the following sentences is NOT punctuated correctly?

All of the apple's at the grocer's were rotten. so I bought oranges instead.
"Seven canteens full of water should be enough for the hike," said Tabitha.
Until the stove is fixed, there's no way I can bake a lemon meringue pie.
The woman, whose name escapes me at the moment, disappeared into the limousine.

107. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

ordinary accidents year items by every of are thousands caused
Thousands of accidents by ordinary items are caused every year.
Ordinary items every year are caused by thousands of accidents.
Every year thousands of accidents are caused by ordinary items.
Every year by ordinary items thousands of accidents are caused.

108. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

animals business it an to after exotic is look expensive
An expensive business it is to look after exotic animals.
To look after exotic animals, it is an expensive business.
It is an expensive business to look after exotic animals.
After exotic animals, it is an expensive business to look.

109. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct pronoun usage?

Him and I are going to see a movie tomorrow.
Who's coming to the party tonight?
Isabel and Ben are married and he has been married for 30 years.
A student can do almost anything they want without interference.

110. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
I love _______ color red; _________, this shade seems a little too bright.

the, although
the, nonetheless
a, besides
the, instead

111. The cake is delicious. Can I have ____________?

a few more
few more
little more
some more

112. Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?

Unless the world controls its population, mankind will continue to face one problem after another.
Unless the world doesn't control its population, mankind will continue to face one problem after another.
Unless the world controls its population, until then mankind will continue to face one problem after another.
Unless the world fails to control its population, mankind until then will continue to face one problem after another.

113. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.
_____________, I try to keep a positive attitude

Either I am feeling happy or sad
Whenever I am feeling happy or sad
Whether I am feeling happy or sad
Neither I am feeling happy nor sad

114. Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?

The basket was carried by a boy full of fruits.
The queen wore a hat on her head made of jute.
Aunt Betty called her granddaughter who is over ninety.
Your hair badly needs cutting.

115. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

will a letter not next week send you she
She will not next week send you a letter.
A letter she will not send you next week.
Next week, she will send you a letter not.
She will not send you a letter next week.

116. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
The________ ________ flower has bloomed and smells very________.

large dull, sweet
largest dull, sweetly
arger dull, sweetly
largest dullest, sweetly

117. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
_______ decided to buy the house because _______ location would allow _______to get to work very easily.

they, their, them
them, their, their
them, its, it
they, its, them

118. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

"No, the taxi driver said rudely. I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes."
"No," the taxi driver said rudely, "I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes."
No, the taxi driver said rudely. "I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes."
"No, the taxi driver said rudely." "I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes."

119. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

bed we when have to to clock go strikes 10 the
We have to go to the clock when bed strikes 10.
When the clock strikes bed we have to go to 10.
We have to go to bed when the clock strikes 10.
When the clock strikes 10 to bed we have to go.

120. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Sam' dad's truck was found without its wheels in that old derelict garage.
Sam's dad's truck was found without its wheels in that old, derelict garage.
Sams dads truck was found without its wheels in that old, derelict garage.
Sam's dad's truck was found without it's wheels in that old, derelict garage.

121. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.

company products enable a to another those distinguish company trademarks its from of
Products from those of another company enable a company to distinguish its trademarks.
Trademarks enable a company to distinguish its products from those of another company.
Trademarks enable to distinguish a company from its products of those another company.
A company to distinguish its products from those of another company enable trademarks.

122. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
Rochelle felt ___________about forgetting her ___________ friend's birthday.

badly, better
bad, better
badly, best
bad, best

123. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence below without creating a run-on sentence.
The results of the study were inconclusive __________.

therefore, more research needs to be done
:therefore more research needs to be done
- therefore more research needs to be done
; therefore, more research needs to be done

124. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct usage of articles and conjunctions?

You have to be on time; otherwise, you'll miss the train.
Dennis wore his rain boots; moreover, his feet stayed dry during the storm.
He is a weak leader; instead, he has plenty of supporters.
She has an incredible voice; similarly, she will go far in her music career.

125. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
Natalie wanted to bake _______ cake but didn't have flour; _________, she decided to make _______ omelette.

a, therefore, an
the, in contrast, the
the, meanwhile, an
a, otherwise, an

126. Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of parallel construction?

Yesterday I cleaned up the bedroom, the living room, and painted the balcony.
Your responsibilities include sorting the mail, answering the phone, and organizing files.
It was both a long lecture and very boring.
His salary is less than his wife.

127. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.

Only when I filled my glass __________.
I did notice that it was broken
did I notice that it was broken
I noticed that it was broken
I notice that it is broken

128. Mary couldn’t help _______ at John’s joke.

but laugh
Either options could be used
Neither option can be used.

129. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
My brother will apply ___________ some local companies _________ a job as a video editor after graduation.

for, for
with, to
to, for
with, for

130. Which of the following sentences is NOT punctuated correctly?

All of the apple’s at the grocer’s were rotten, so I bought oranges instead.
“Seven canteens full of water should be enough for the hike,” said Tabitha.
Until the stove is fixed, there’s no way I can bake a lemon meringue pie.
The woman, whose name escapes me at the moment, disappeared into the limousine.

131. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
_________ books are available in _________ local store _________ not online

The, the, but
The, a, and
A, an, nor
The, either, or

132. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
His boss told him to finish the report _______ 5 pm. After that, he could go _______ vacation.

at, during
on, on
by, on
after, into

133. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
That book is __________. __________ the same one __________ I gave you last year.

mine, it’s, that
my, its, that
mine, its, which
my, it’s, that

134. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following passage.
Carol's father is very strict. He prohibits her ___________having a boyfriend ___________ she graduates from high school. She spends most of her time in the library, surrounded ___________ books.

by, since, with
from, until, in
from, until, by
to, until, by

135. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
She looked __________ at the __________-looking man.

angry, suspicious
angrily, suspiciously
angrily, suspicious
angry, suspiciously

136. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
"Are you coming with me?" he asked them.

He asked them are you coming with him.
He asked them were you going with me.
He asked them if they were coming with him.
He asked them if they are coming with me.

137. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
Anita lived in Japan for several years. She speaks __________ Japanese and knows the culture very ________.

well, well
good, good
better, good
good, well

138. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.easily question the way understood can most in this be

The question can be easily understood most way in this.
The question can be most easily understood in this way.
In this way, the question most easily can be understood.
In this way, the question be most easily can understood.

139. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
He said, "I like this song."

He said that he liked that song.
He said I like this song.
He said that he likes that song.
He said that you like this song.

140. Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
I__________ until I __________ all the exam topics.

have not stopped studying, cover
will not stop studying, have covered
will not stop studying, will cover
did not stop studying, have covered

141. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
I need to take care _______ my little sister. She is discriminated _______ at school because she has red hair. Yesterday, a bully punched her. However, my sister didn't tell _______ the bully.

of, with, to
with, with, with
of, against, on
with, against, on

142. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
__________ people in this company have been working very __________ __________.

More, hardly, lately
Most, hardly, lately
Most, hard, lately
Many, hardly, later

143. Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense. Have you ever been to East Asia?

No, but I had been to East Africa.
Yes, I have been to four East Asian countries.
Yes, I am going to be in Japan next month.
No, I can't because it's very far from here.

144. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence below without creating a run-on sentence.
I want to start writing books ________________ one this year!

, I hope I write
I hope I write
: I hope I write
; I hope I write

145. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
_________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave for _________ office again.

No sooner, than, the
Rather, than, an
Whether, or
No sooner, than, an

146. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
Nicole grew ________ from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite ________ that she needed a long vacation.

tired, obviously
tired, obvious
tiredly, obvious
tiredly, obviously

Fiverr U.S. English Basic Skills Test Answers 2020

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