US Citizenship Quiz Answers 100% Score Quiz Factory
US Citizenship Quiz. Can you name all of these state capitals? This quiz is hard, but doable. See if you can name all of the state capitials.
1. What is the day called that Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?

- Independence day
- Christmas Day
Right Answer: Independence day
2. What is the title of America’s national anthem?

- The Star-Spangled Banner
- God Save the Queen
Right Answer: The Star-Spangled Banner
3. What is the name given to the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution?

- The Bill of Rights
- The Bill of Sale
Right Answer: The Bill of Rights
4. Who was the first president of the United States of America?

- George Washington
- Bruce Lee
Right Answer: George Washington
5. What is written at the beginning of the Constitution?

- We the people
- We know their truths
Right Answer: We the people
6. In the First Amendment there is one right/freedom that is guaranteed, what is it?

- Religion
- Voting
Right Answer: Religion
7. Why is there 13 stripes on the U.S flag?

- To represent the 13 original colonies
- 13 is Taylor Swift’s lucky number
Right Answer: To represent the 13 original colonies
8. What is the name of the highest court in the United States?

- The Supreme Court
- The Super Important Court
Right Answer: The Supreme Court
9. What is the date of the final day on which you can send in federal tax forms?

- April 15th
- May 20th
Right Answer: April 15th
10. Where in the United States is the Statue of Liberty found?

- New York City
- California
Right Answer: New York City
11. What is the capital of the United States?

- New Jersey
- Washington, DC
Right Answer: Washington, DC
12. What was the name of the piece of territory that the United States brought from France in 1803?

- Louisiana Territory
- French Territory
Right Answer: Louisiana Territory
13. How many times can you run for senate?
- There is no limit
- 4 times
Right Answer: There is no limit
14. Who is considered to be the ‘Father of our country’

- George Washington
- Alexander Hamilton
Right Answer: George Washington
15. What was the name of the war that was fought between the North and South in the 1800s?

- The Civil War
- The War of Independence
Right Answer: The Civil War
16. In a situation where the President and the Vice President cannot serve, who is elected as president?

- Whoever the people want
- The Speaker of the House
Right Answer: The Speaker of the House
17. One of these was not one of the original 13 colonies, which one is it?

- California
- New Hampshire
Right Answer: California
18. Which of these is included in the Bill of Rights?

- The right to bear arms
- The right to vote
Right Answer: The right to bear arms
19. Who wrote the original Declaration of Independence

- Thomas Jefferson
- Alexander Hamilton
Right Answer: Thomas Jefferson
20. How many active members are there in the House of Representatives?

- 435
- 20
Right Answer: 435
21. Which of these two is not one of the major branches of government?
- Media
- Legislative
Right Answer: Media
22. What is the judicial branch responsible for?

- Understands the law
- Declares independence
Right Answer: Understands the law
23. Which of these two is considered not to be a national U.S holiday?

- Independence Day
- Boxing Day
Right Answer: Boxing Day
24. Who is the acting Chief of Justice at the moment?

- John Roberts
- Donald Trump
Right Answer: John Roberts
25. How long is a term?

- 6 Years
- 21 Years
26. Which out of the two is not a territory of the U.S?

- Greenland
- Puerto Rico
Right Answer: Greenland
27. Which month do the people of the United States vote for their president?

- November
- May
Right Answer: November
28. Which one of these two states borders Mexico?

- California
- Boston
Right Answer: California
29. Which of these states borders Canada?

- North Dakota
- Iowa
- California
- Wisconsin
Right Answer: North Dakota
30. What was the name of the movement in the 1960s that fought against racial discrimination?

- Civil Rights Movement
- Independence Movement
Right Answer: Civil Rights Movement
31. In the U.S how old do you have to be to vote?

- 18
- 21
Right Answer: 18
32. When a U.S senator is elected, who do they represent?

- The President
- All people of a state
Right Answer: All people of a state
33. On what day do we celebrate Independence Day?

- 29th May
- 4th July
Right Answer: 4th July
34. How many years do U.S representatives stay in office for?

- 2
- 9
Right Answer: 2
35. Which war was fought by the U.S in the 1800s?

- The Anglo-Saxon War
- The Civil Wart
Right Answer: The Civil Wart
36. During World War I, who was the president?

- Woodrow Wilson
- George Washington
Right Answer: Woodrow Wilson
37. Who did the U.S fight against during the Second World War?

- Germany, Japan and Italy
- England and France
Right Answer: Germany, Japan and Italy
38. Who is given the title of the commander-in-chief of the US military

- The President
- The Vice President
Right Answer: The President
39. What is the name of the economic system in the United States?

- Capitalism
- Communism
Right Answer: Capitalism
40. Which of these is a promise you do not have to make when you become a U.S citizen?

- Smack yourself on the head
- Give up any loyalty to other countries
Right Answer: Smack yourself on the head
41. What is basic premise of the Declaration of Independence?

- All men are created equal
- To form a perfect union
Right Answer: All men are created equal
42. Some states have more representatives then others, why is this?

- It is done by population
- They were better states
Right Answer: It is done by population
43. Which is the longest river in the United States?

- Missouri
- California
Right Answer: Missouri
44. What was the name of the president during both the Great Depression and World War II??

- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- George Washington
Right Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt
45. The Federalist Papers supported a passage of the U.S Constitution. Can you name one of the writers who wrote this paper?

- Alexander Hamilton
- Tony Blair
Right Answer: Alexander Hamilton
46. What is declared as a right in the Declaration of Independence?

- The pursuit of happiness
- The right to bear fighting
Right Answer: The pursuit of happiness
47. The U.S flag has 50 stars, why is this?

- 50 is Donald Trump’s favourite number
- There are 50 states
Right Answer: There are 50 states
48. Can you name one purpose of the United Nations?

- To promote world peace
- To promote world wars
Right Answer: To promote world peace
49. There are many amendments to the Constitution, how many exactly?

- 27
- 20
Right Answer: 27
50. Wall Street is a very famous Street in the United States, but what is it most famous for?

- Great hamburgers
- For being the financial centre of America
Right Answer: For being the financial centre of America
51. The land known as North America had other occupants before the Europeans arrived, who were they?

- Native Americans
- Dinosaurs
Right Answer: Native Americans
52. Bills have to be signed before they become U.S law, who is it that signs them

- The President
- The Vice President
Right Answer: The President
53. In the U.S constitution what does ‘freedom of religion’ mean?

- Any religion goes
- All religions are banned
Right Answer: Any religion goes
54. How many U.S Senators are there?

- 100
- 5
Right Answer: 100
55. If the senate becomes deadlocked, who is able to cast the deciding vote?

- The Vice President
- The President
Right Answer: The Vice President
56. When we say the Pledge of Allegiance, what do we promise loyalty to?

- The United States and its flag
- The President
Right Answer: The United States and its flag
57. At what age must all men register for the Selective Service?

- 18
- 21
Right Answer: 18
58. Which is officially recognised as a Native American tribe in the U.S?

- Seminole
- Mika
Right Answer: Seminole
59. What happened during the Constitutional Convention?

- The constitution was written
- A fight
Right Answer: The constitution was written