The Clash of Clans Quiz Quiz Answers Updated Version GimmeMore Quiz
the clash of clans quiz answers updated version 100% score
Let's start easy. Which games developer created Clash of Clans?
- Cubix
- OpenXcell
- Algoworks
- SuperCell
Right Answer: SuperCell
How many clans are there in Clash of Clans?
- 10
- 100
- 5,000
- Too many to count
Which troop has the most HP?
- Valkery
- Giant
- Lavahound
- Golem
At what Town Hall level is the minion unlocked? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: 7
How many gems do you have to spend to get all five builders?
- 2,250
- 1,000
- 200
- 3,750
Right Answer: 3,750
What is the screenname of Liam Neeson’s nemesis in the 2015 Clash of Clans Superbowl Advert? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: BigBuffetBoy85
Is the P.E.K.K.A. a knight, samurai or robot?
- Robot
- Samurai
- Knight
- Nobody knows!
Supercell’s CEO is in fact not a game developer by background. What did he study? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: Industrial engineering
Which of the following statements about using traps is FALSE?
- Once triggered, it stays where it was
- Once upgraded, it is permanently upgraded
- They don't need to be triggered for your enemy to reach 100% destruction
- You can't deploy troops on traps even when being upgraded
How many characters from Clash of Clans can you spot in this word search? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: 5
How many characters from Clash of Clans can you spot in this word search? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: 6
How many characters from Clash of Clans can you spot in this word search? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: 7
How many characters from Clash of Clans can you spot in this word search? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: 8
How many characters from Clash of Clans can you spot in this word search? Type your answer in below!
Type Answer: 9